My Butt

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hello everyone and welcome to a view of my butt. Its a nice butt(or so I've been told) and has served me well, yes low all these years Not much has changed about it. Oh sure its gotten bigger, sprouted some hair and had some pimples on it ,but its my butt and I love it. Except when I have to go to the doctor, butt we won't go in to that. Pun sorta intended.Forgive me. My butt is still defective, it has a crack in it, butt I've learned to live with it.
Butts have been misunderstood or mislabeled for years. Like cigerette butt, or being the butt of a joke, or "He was a real Buttinski". There is also a butt weld and a butt joint (never smoke one of these).

Anyway its quite late. Thanx for reading my butt blog, butt I've gotta take my butt to bed. G'nite all.


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