Friday, September 25, 2009

Today marks the 29th anniversery of the death of John Bonham. The man who brought the power triplet and maniac slam bashing to Rock-N-Roll lovers around the world. He used the longest and thickest drum sticks available, he refered to them as his "Trees". He drank himself to death one night with enough booze to stun 3 rhinos. John Bonham, dead and gone, but his musical contribution livez on. Rock-N-Roll is here to stay.


Debra said...

I miss John so much. Whenever I watch footage of concerts with Led Zeppelin, the feeling is poignant, bittersweet, and I am deliciously and intensively awed by it all.

Led Zeppelin was nothing short of magical, supernatural, and evoked the deepest sense of what it means to share lives together, understand each other, respect each other, and be delighted in all the love and good will that Led Zeppelin radiated from themselves, professionally and personally. They were so special - so mesmerizing, you don't want to escape or leave it. :)

Led Zeppelin will ALWAYS live on!

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